Friday, June 1, 2012

Produce & Berry Status for Saturday's Market June 2, 2012

Well, just as we suspected the strawberries have really slowed down, almost to a screeching halt. We will have a few strawberries to sell at Saturday's Market but not many. The raspberries are coming on and if the sun comes out early Saturday we will have raspberries to sell at Market. We have the pickers all lined up and coming in early to pick. The raspberry bushes are loaded so we will have plenty of them soon and may need to open additional hours next week. I will post it on the blog or you can watch for our signs on Hadley Rd.

The greens have also slowed down a bit. Camille keeps reminding me "this is the beginning of the season and it's normal to start out slow." As she says "this is only the tip of the ice burg, as we will have so much produce to sell this summer." We are excited to have our wonderful organic produce and berries to share with you. Thanks for your patience and support. I will keep updating the status on the blog. What crazy weather from 98 degrees to 45 degrees in just a few days.

Here' a picture of Camille and Leo relaxing after a hot day of work Monday, May 28th when it was 98 degrees.  Leo went for a swim earlier to cool off.

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